Last time I showed you some tips for editing video in Adobe Lightroom 4 and getting your photos and videos ready to go into Pro Show Web. In this video I’ll show you how to use the ProShow plugin for Lightroom 4 to upload your still images and create a new...
Adobe added video support in Lightroom 3, but Lightroom 4 allows you to edit your videos as well. My latest post for features tips for trimming video in Lightroom 4’s Library module, as well as syncing your video clips to your still photos...
I was stitching a panorama together in Photoshop CS6 the other day and I wanted to do a little dodging and burning on the final image while I was there. As I was making layers and painting masks I felt like I was moving in slow motion. I finally gave up and sent the...
I mentioned in my last post that I use my Nikon kit for shooting for paying clients, and I was asked why that is. I think the short answer is that I know what the Nikon D800E is capable of, but I am not as confident with the image quality from the Olympus OM-D E-M5. I...
Rick Sammon and I just wrapped up the first Digital Photo Experience Weekend in Atlanta. The 20+ attendees were treated to Rick’s presentation of photo and HDR tips Saturday morning, and (hopefully) enthralled by my Lightroom presentation on Saturday afternoon 🙂...