Olympus m.Zuiko ED150-400mm f4.5 tc1.25 IS Pro Samples

It’s finally here! The long awaited professional super-telephoto lens from Olympus will begin shipping soon. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this lens since it’s announcement, and I was lucky enough to […]

Written By Rob Knight

On November 20, 2020

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It’s finally here! The long awaited professional super-telephoto lens from Olympus will begin shipping soon. I’ve been eagerly awaiting this lens since it’s announcement, and I was lucky enough to get to shoot with it this week. You can watch my video review to find out why it is the nicest lens I’ve ever used, and enjoy these full sized samples.

If you would like to order this amazing lens you can do so at Allen’s Camera, and they will ship it to you as soon as they get their hands on one.


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