Panasonic LUMIX GX7 Announcement

Panasonic LUMIX GX7 Announcement

It’s finally here! I’ve been looking forward to the LUMIX GX7 for a while, and I’m so stoked to finally be able to talk about it. I think it’s going to be a great addition to the LUMIX micro four thirds lineup, and I can’t wait to get my...
The rest of the story…

The rest of the story…

I posted this note on Google+ a few weeks ago, and I wanted to expand on it and let you know where this has lead me… “I gave a presentation at a local camera shop (Showcase Photo&Video in Atlanta) last weekend. The presentation was “Mirrorless cameras...
New HDR tools from Unified Color

New HDR tools from Unified Color

Unified color has released updates for their powerful HDR processing software. I’ll be trying out HDR Expose 3 and the 32 Float Plug-in over the next few weeks and I’ll let you know what I think. Here’s the full press release from Unified...
New Bags for Mirrorless Shooters

New Bags for Mirrorless Shooters

Our friends at Think Tank Photo just announced their first camera bag collection for Mirrorless cameras, the Mirrorless Movers™. Think Tank Photo is responsible for ALL of my favorite camera bags, and I’m stoked to see them release a collection specifically...