I was stitching a panorama together in Photoshop CS6 the other day and I wanted to do a little dodging and burning on the final image while I was there. As I was making layers and painting masks I felt like I was moving in slow motion. I finally gave up and sent the...
I wanted to do a post to address the Lightroom info that people are searching for lately. There are a few questions that seem to come up regularly. Here are a few of those questions, and some things I’ve helped my friends with lately. This is a simple thing, but...
When I started posting Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tutorials a few weeks ago I started with the adjustment brush. It occurred to me that the adjust brush is a weird place to START a series about Lightroom, so I decided to go back to the beginning and talk about my...
I wanted to begin this post with a word about the “flow” and “density” sliders inside the Adjustment Brush panel. These are very important for controlling how your adjustments are applied, but they are fairly simple to figure out. Think of the...