Visual Inertia

Visual Inertia

I’ve been shooting video semi-seriously for almost two years now. I’m a long way from what you would call a “film maker”, but I have definitely seen the light when it comes to the value of moving pictures. One of the biggest challenge (if not THE biggest) for still...
Shooting the Big Apple!

Shooting the Big Apple!

If you keep up with my photos or workshops at all, I’m sure you have heard about my Route 66 Photo Adventure Workshop by now. That trip is all but full (ONE spot left) but there are other opportunities for you to join me and Rick Gerrity in the field right around the...

Field Testing the LUMIX FZ1000

I don’t get excited about every new camera that comes out, especially when it comes to fixed-lens cameras. The LUMIX FZ1000 was definitely an exception. The stand out feature of the FZ1000 is that it captures 4k video. The idea of a camera with a 20mp 1″...