It’s funny how much energy photographers have expended debating this topic. I will admit that when I see someone holding their SLR camera like this… I assume that person is a novice. Mainly because most “pro” photographers have figured out how...
I had planned to write this post today BEFORE I read Scott Kelby’s post this morning about collections in Lightroom. It was interesting to read his post because we pretty much end up at the same place, but we take a different route to get there… As you...
When I started posting Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tutorials a few weeks ago I started with the adjustment brush. It occurred to me that the adjust brush is a weird place to START a series about Lightroom, so I decided to go back to the beginning and talk about my...
I’m going to start this week with a quick tip that I just learned. Say you’re working with a brush to lighten part of your image, and you have painted over a section with your density at 100. Now say you decide that you would rather not have that section...
I wanted to begin this post with a word about the “flow” and “density” sliders inside the Adjustment Brush panel. These are very important for controlling how your adjustments are applied, but they are fairly simple to figure out. Think of the...