I’ve had the Olympus FL-600r flash (well, two of them actually) for a few months now, and I had all but ignored the LED light on the front of the flash. In my mind the LED is for shooting video, and I haven’t done much of that that requires extra...
I received several questions about the Olympus FL-600R Flash since my last flash-related post. I thought it might be helpful to post my usual flash settings, along with some other info that may help you if you get stuck. There are a couple of settings between the...
I have been interested in macro photography for a while now, but I have been reluctant to buy a dedicated macro lens. I wasn’t sure I would use a macro lens enough to justify the expense. Most macro lenses are in short-telephoto focal lengths, and that is not...
I haven’t been keeping up with my blog as much as I would like for the last few months, but I have a good excuse… My son, Deacon, was born just about six months ago. As you can imagine he takes up a lot of my time. My wife wanted to get some shots of him taking...
I have been spoiled by the Nikon CLS system for the last few years. The Nikon speedlights seem to “just work” most of the time. I was really curious to see how the Olympus OM-D E-M5 worked with the new Olympus FL-600r Wireless Flash. The E-M5 can control 3...