I’m going to start 2017 with a personal note. I realized that I didn’t write ONE post last year, and that is rediculous! This will probably be more of a mission statement than anything, so if you’re looking for photo tips you might want to check out my archives for the moment 😉
If I managed a sports team I would refer to 2016 as a “rebuilding year”. 2015 was the hardest and most painful year I’ve lived through in my adult life. I dropped everything to try to solve personal issues that were beyond solving. By the end of 2016 my marriage was over, but I was in a good place. I realized that all of the work I had done to be the perfect partner was actually work I was doing to be a better person. I was feeling confident and ready to start focusing on what my life could be instead of dwelling on what it had been. Unfortunately by this time my professional work suffered and I basically put myself back to square one as far as marketing and brand recognition goes.
I’ve been hearing a lot about how terrible 2016 was, but it was pretty good for me. It took a while, but I figured out my regular routine with my kids (I have them half of the time), and settled into a new home. I got back into the swing of my creative outlets like music and painting. I am doing tattoos again part time and really enjoying it.
I also decided to go much smaller with my photo tours and teaching. My annual trip to Costa Rica went from 12-17 guests to only 6. When I’m in Atlanta I’m working more with individuals to help them improve their photography and editing. Overall I’m striving to create a personal experience for each of my clients, instead of focusing on getting butts into seats.
Now it’s 2017… I have a lot of ideas and I’m excited to see what pans out. I want to shoot more, create more, and share more. If I can nail down a format, I’d like to start another podcast (any ideas?). I need to figure out how to travel with my kids AND shoot creatively at the same time!
My friends at Panasonic have just announced the new flagship GH5 camera. I’m really excited to put it through its paces. I always get a creative boost when I get my hands on the latest and greatest technology. Stay tuned for my thoughts on that machine when I get one into the field.
If you’ve read this far, I sure appreciate it. What good is this platform if I don’t put myself out there and really share with you? Check out my events page if you have a sec. I’ll be on the road this February and March and I would love to say hi in person!
Viva 2017!
I’m going to start 2017 with a personal note. I realized that I didn’t write ONE post last year, and that is rediculous! This will probably be more of a […]
Written By Rob Knight
On January 6, 2017
I’m sorry to hear of your recent struggles and wish you the best going forward. Happy New Year! Good luck with your journey.
Thanks a lot Eric!
Best of luck for the New Year and look forward to your Blog and getting back on track.
Cheers, Dave! thanks