I have been interested in macro photography for a while now, but I have been reluctant to buy a dedicated macro lens. I wasn’t sure I would use a macro lens enough to justify the expense. Most macro lenses are in short-telephoto focal lengths, and that is not...
I haven’t been keeping up with my blog as much as I would like for the last few months, but I have a good excuse… My son, Deacon, was born just about six months ago. As you can imagine he takes up a lot of my time. My wife wanted to get some shots of him taking...
I have been spoiled by the Nikon CLS system for the last few years. The Nikon speedlights seem to “just work” most of the time. I was really curious to see how the Olympus OM-D E-M5 worked with the new Olympus FL-600r Wireless Flash. The E-M5 can control 3...
My good friend Rick Sammon was in town yesterday for a class on using small flash to create big, beautiful light. 19 students were on hand to learn basic skills and some advanced techniques for manual and TTL automatic flash. Showcase Photo and Video provided...
I recently hosted some local photographers for a visit to Atlanta’s Dragon-Con Science-Fiction and Fantasy convention. Besides vendors and celebrity guests, DragonCon is home to hundreds of attendees in elaborate, often homemade costumes. It was a great opportunity...