Change of Scenery

Change of Scenery

It’s no secret that most of my photography is travel related. Whether it’s Route 66 or Costa Rica, my favorite photos usually happen when I’m on the road. Of course I like to make pictures of my beautiful children wherever they are, but aside from...
Viva 2017!

Viva 2017!

I’m going to start 2017 with a personal note. I realized that I didn’t write ONE post last year, and that is rediculous! This will probably be more of a mission statement than anything, so if you’re looking for photo tips you might want to check out...
Camera size and Ergonomics

Camera size and Ergonomics

There is a lot of talk about camera size these days. Photographers have myriad choices for mirrorless cameras, “enthusiast” compact cameras and even tiny DSLR’s. I don’t think there is anything wrong with cameras getting smaller, to a point. I...
Visual Inertia

Visual Inertia

I’ve been shooting video semi-seriously for almost two years now. I’m a long way from what you would call a “film maker”, but I have definitely seen the light when it comes to the value of moving pictures. One of the biggest challenge (if not THE biggest) for still...
My Thoughts on “Going Mirrorless”

My Thoughts on “Going Mirrorless”

When I started using mirrorless cameras during my classes and workshops I assumed that the new generation of mirrorless cameras would appeal to newer photographers. I thought that folks with no big investment in lenses or accessories would jump at the chance to use...